Tuesday, October 16, 2012

FROG Virtual Learning Environment

Frog adalah Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) yang dipilih bagi projek 1BestariNet. Frog mempunyai fungsi sebagai komuniti pembelajaran bagi seluruh warga sekolah.

Persekitaran pembelajaran maya Frog, atau VLE ialah satu sistem pembelajaran berdasarkan jaringan yang menyerupai pembelajaran dunia sebenar dengan mengintegrasikan konsep pendidikan konvensional dengan kaedah maya.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

High-Speed Broadband For All Schools By 2014

Government schools will be provided with fibre optic connection under the 1BestariNet project.

THE government's 1BestariNet project will ensure that all schools in the country have high-speed broadband connectivity to provide virtual learning for students by 2014.

Deputy Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said the contractor chosen for the project was a licence holder and facility and network service provider under the Multimedia and Communications Act 1998. The 1Bestarinet project was awarded to YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (YTL Comms) for a period of two years.

Replying to a question from Er Teck Hwa (DAP-Bakri), Wee said the contractor was also a licence holder of the rights for a cloud-based virtual learning system and has the potential and expertise in providing broadband connectivity.

He said the contractor was the owner and operator of the YES telecommunications network that provides telephone and 4G broadband services.

"Under the 1BestariNet project, all 10,019 government schools will be provided with fibre optic connection at 4 Megabytes per second (which can be upgraded to 20Mbps). Meanwhile, schools in rural and interior areas will be provided with the VSAT network with speeds of 2Mbps (which can be upgraded to 4Mbps.)"

Wee said the implementation of the 1BestariNet was based following studies from the BCG Consulting Group and monitoring of the Schoolnet project in place previously.

He said the project involved the setting up of the infrastructure for broadband connection and provision for a virtual learning system for schools and Education Ministry agencies.

Wee said the government would make considerations on the scope of the project based on public importance. In answering an additional question from Er, Wee said while schools had previously spent RM600 under the Schoolnet project, they will now only pay RM475 for the improved service.
Meanwhile, the house heard yesterday that private higher learning institutions have been found to lower their entry qualifications to attract student enrolment, for profit's sake.

Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said the ministry was aware of such issues and were constantly monitoring such institutes.

"Some colleges have also been found to put up inaccurate information in their advertisements about the courses and facilities offered.

"Last month alone, my ministry had, together with the Malaysian Accreditation Agency (MQA), conducted spot checks on 226 colleges," he said. He was responding to a question from Datuk Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong) about steps taken by the ministry in identifying colleges which provide false credentials about their courses.

New Straits Time. (2012). High-Speed Broadband For All Schools By 2014. Retrieved from http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Projek 1BestariNet Di SMKBR

Sejajar dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk mengembangkan modal insan serta penggunaan Internet, 1BestariNet memperluaskan teknologi untuk meningkatkan tahap pendidikan dan melengkapkan pelajar dengan kemahiran sewajarnya bagi menghadapi dunia masa kini.

Kerja-kerja untuk pemasangan menara pemancar 30m Monopole sedang dijalankan.  Berikut adalah kronologi Projek 1BestariNet di SMK Bukit Rambai.

18 Jun 2010 - Kerja menanda tapak menara dijalankan oleh pihak kontraktor dengan dipantau oleh guru penyelaras bestari.

Pada 16 Julai 2012 - Pihak kontraktor menggali lubang untuk membina frame bagi kerja menuang simen konkrit.

19 Julai 2012 - Kerja menuang simen konkrit dijalankan.

24 September 2012 - Kerja-kerja pemasangan kabel elektrik telah siap dijalankan.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Memperkenalkan Projek 1BestariNet

Di bawah projek mercu tanda 1BestariNet yang diterajui Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (MoE), kami berbangga untuk melaksanakan platform pembelajaran maya berteras 'cloud' dan jaringan Internet berkelajuan tinggi ke 10,000 sekolah seluruh Malaysia.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Projek 1BestariNet KPM

Di bawah 1BestariNet, sekolah-sekolah akan dilengkapi dengan penyelesaian bersepadu yang membolehkan pengajaran, pembelajaran, kolaborasi dan pengurusan pentadbiran dijalankan di Internet menerusi Virtual Learning Environment (Frog VLE), yang boleh diakses di sekolah atau di mana saja adanya capaian Internet.

Bagaimana komponen penyelesaian pendidikan ini dijalankan secara bersepadu?

>> Read more

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Garis Panduan Untuk Pihak Sekolah Bagi Pemasangan CPE / Peralatan Projek 1BestariNet


1BestariNet merupakan projek inisiatif Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) dalam menyediakan kemudahan capaian internet ke sekolah-sekolah di Malaysia. Ianya merupakan end to end solution dengan komponen utama adalah capaian internet dan perkhidmatan Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) untuk warga sekolah. Melalui penyediaan perkhidmatan internet berkelajuan tinggi dan platform pembelajaran maya maka jurang digital di antara pelajar kawasan bandar dan luar bandar akan dapat dikurangkan.  Diantara pembaharuan dan penambahbaikan dalam komponen 1BestariNet ialah:
  • Hosting terurus
  • Centralize monitoring
  • Tapisan kandungan
  • Sambungan LAN sekolah
  • Sekuriti tanpa had bagi peralatan di sekolah
  • Penambahbaikan dalam sistem tampalan pengurusan
  • Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Inisiatif kerajaan ini bakal menjadikan Malaysia negara pertama di dunia yang dilengkapi capaian internet mudah alih 4G dan VLE sedia ada di semua sekolah seluruh Malaysia.

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